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Make a Resolution for Proactive Plumbing

Maintenance is a word few people want to hear or think about, especially when it’s related to plumbing. Maintenance can seem boring, and it costs money that you’d rather spend on something else. That’s why many people make the mistake of ignoring basic upkeep for the sake of a short-term gain rather than really weighing the long-term benefits of proactive plumbing solutions. However, maintaining your plumbing is important; here are some resolutions keeping your pipes happy in the new year.

Resolve to Make a Long-Term Investment

The value of maintenance is largely preventative, which makes it hard to really appreciate how much money it saves you. Homeowners that hesitate at spending money on upkeep and system inspections should consider the cost of even one leak or burst in their systems. Even a tiny leak can cause structural damage or foster mold growth in difficult locations that requires expensive and invasive remediation.

Take a Stand Against Water Damage

Modern technology makes system checks and leak detection a quick and simple process. These tools allow professional plumbers to examine an entire residential system in a matter of minutes. Internal scopes and cameras offer even more perspectives on the health of your pipes and fixtures. They help exposure problem areas that are at high risk of developing further.

Keep Fixtures in Focus Year Round

Every fixture in the home has a limited lifespan. Routine maintenance extends this life expectancy, but there will still come a time when it needs to be replaced. That’s why plumbers typically examine all fixtures, including tubs, spigots, and sinks, as part of a full maintenance check.

Even if a toilet or sink isn’t broken, it might be worth upgrading to something new for the sake of efficiency or comfort. Part of maintaining your plumbing system as a whole is knowing when to upgrade individual parts.

Resolving to Improve Safety and Security

Making a maintenance plan for your plumbing system is about creating a more stable, safe, and secure environment. It helps make the home safer by minimizing the risk of exposure to natural toxins and it makes it more secure by reducing the chance of structural damage. Keeping your pipes and fixtures in top condition means fewer household emergencies from leaks, flooding, and major clogs.

Make the New Year the best one your plumbing system has ever seen with expert maintenance by professional plumbers. Prevention is much more convenient than the cure, especially when it involves water, toilets, and sewer lines. Select Plumbing is proud to serve the community in Lincoln, NE with a full range of services, including backflow prevention, drain cleaning, and sewer line repair, so give us a call today.